Amount of Nitrosamines in Beef Jerky

The Truth About Nitrates and Nitrites in Your Food & H2o

15 min read

In his actually long poem, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Samuel Taylor Coleridge tells the story of a crusty old sailor who forces a wedding invitee to listen to his awful tale of being stuck at sea, while running out of drinking h2o. It's at this point that Coleridge pens 2 of the about famous lines in all of English language literature:

H2o, water, every where,
Nor any drib to drinkable.

Y'all know what else is everywhere, and mostly inaccessible? Nitrogen. And in order to understand the science of nitrates and nitrites in food and h2o equally they chronicle to our individual and planetary health, we have to learn a flake about the nitrogen bike, and why this about abundant atmospheric chemical element plays so hard to become with the organisms that depend on it for their existence.

Just why practice we care about nitrates and nitrites in the beginning place?

Nitrates and Nitrites: Friends or Foes?

Scientists began sounding the alarm in the 1960s when it was discovered that nitrates and nitrites, which were used to cure meats such as hot dogs, ham, and salary, appeared to cause cancer in laboratory animals. (Our view on the utilize of animals in medical research is here .)

Paradoxically, at the aforementioned fourth dimension, we were learning that the nitrates and nitrites in plants, which are chemically identical to their synthetic counterparts plant in meat preservatives, seemed to be skillful for usa. The 1998 Nobel Prize for Medicine went to iii researchers who figured out that nitric oxide gas does our cardiovascular system a earth of skilful, dilating arteries and blood vessels and thereby lowering blood pressure.

And nosotros get nitrates and nitrites from environmental sources, like drinking h2o.

So what'due south the bargain? Should we avert nitrates and nitrites from all sources, or merely some? And if some are good and some aren't, what'south the departure?

The Nitrogen Cycle

nitrogen cycle

Before nosotros define 'nitrate', let'southward starting time with the basic science that you might accept learned in high school biology. The most common thing in the air all around us is the element nitrogen, abbreviated N in the periodic table. Nitrogen makes up 78% of our temper, while oxygen comes in 2nd at around 20%.

It'south a good thing there's and then much nitrogen because it's a critical component of protein, as well as DNA, the genetic code that makes life possible at all. Without nitrogen, plants and animals merely wouldn't exist.

But hither'southward the rub. Like Coleridge's mariner, nitrogen that nosotros can't access surrounds us. The nitrogen in the air (chemically abbreviated as N2, since it'due south two nitrogen atoms bonded together so tightly that nobody else stands a chance, like that popular couple from 12th course) is biologically inert. Plants can't use it for structure or growth, and animals tin't breathe it into their cells.

Nature compensates for this gap in two very cool ways. One is lightning, which "fixes" nitrogen (no, there's zilch wrong with it; "fixing" is just scientific discipline-speak for "making bioavailable past adding oxygen"). The other is a wonderfully complex process involving bacteria that alive in the soil, either freely or attached to the root nodules of legumes. These bacteria perform the super-crucial task of adding hydrogen atoms to the inert nitrogen gas. This converts the nitrogen into ammonia and ammonium, which plants can plow into nitrogen-containing organic molecules, such every bit amino acids and DNA.

And then What Are Nitrates and Nitrites?

Still with me? After the nitrifying bacteria does information technology's affair, some of the ammonia and ammonium is converted into a chemic chemical compound called nitrate (NO3) by other bacteria that strip out the hydrogens and replace them with oxygens. And some nitrates go converted to nitrites (NO2) past microbes, either in the soil or in the microbiomes of animals.

In essence, the definition of nitrates are chemical compounds, either natural or manmade, containing both nitrogen and oxygen atoms. Nitrates formed equally part of the natural nitrogen cycle are major found nutrients. Nitrites, while also part of the nitrogen bike, are formed by the oxidation of ammonia and Nitrobacter bacteria.

Nonetheless, the plot thickened when humans discovered how to produce nitrates and nitrites synthetically. That 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine, awarded for the discovery of nitric oxide, was funded from a bequest by Alfred Nobel, the guy who figured out how to turn nitroglycerin (meet that "nitro" prefix there?) into dynamite. In addition to explosives, synthetically fixed nitrogen helped create fertilizers and food additives.

It's the constructed creation of food additives that triggered the initial concern most the health effects of nitrates and nitrites.

And then, to answer the question, "What are nitrates and nitrites?" The layperson's definition of nitrate is information technology'due south a chemical chemical compound (NO3) that combines nitrogen and oxygen, which plants demand to abound. And the definition of nitrite is it's also a chemical compound (NO2) that is oftentimes used as a food preservative.

The Controversy Over Nitrates and Nitrites in Nutrient

So, are nitrates and nitrites bad for you? To reply that, nosotros have to consider what source they come from, likewise every bit the furnishings of nitrates and nitrites on the homo body.

Now, let's become to the heart of the puzzle: Naturally occurring nitrates and nitrites in plant foods appear to exist really good for u.s.a., while the same compounds — when used to preserve and intensify the season of meats, smoked fish, some dairy products, and fifty-fifty beer — raise our gamble for sure cancers. Processed meat likewise appears to increase our run a risk of other chronic conditions, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

How is this possible? Why does the source affair so much?

Information technology turns out that nitrates and nitrites are heavily influenced past the company they go along. When they hang out with fruits and veggies, they convert into nitric oxide (NO), which helps our cardiovascular organization operate at superlative capacity. Simply when they're paired with animal products, or created synthetically, they terminate up every bit nitrosamines, which may lead to malignancies in our digestive tracts.

Constructed Nitrates & Nitrites

stack of sausages with greens closeup

So what'southward incorrect with using nitrates and nitrites to preserve meat? There are a few key factors.

Get-go, constructed nitrates and nitrites are often combined with minerals, such as sodium. When you lot run across sodium nitrate or sodium nitrite on a food label, that's what we're talking about. And these forms of the compounds cause disease in humans.

Sodium nitrates and nitrites react with other molecules, which is where the problem starts. Some of those molecules include degraded bits of amino acids that develop equally proteins naturally suspension downwards in our bodies. The compounds that emerge when nitrates and nitrites are combined with degraded amino acids include N-nitroso compounds (mysteriously abbreviated NOCs, considering I don't encounter anything starting with "O" in there) and nitrosamines. We can start producing these compounds in our mouths and stomachs afterward ingesting sodium nitrates and nitrites.

Second, nitrates and nitrites in processed meat come packaged with their own generous supply of amino acids, correct in that location in the food they're preserving. Meat and other brute products naturally comprise proteins, made up of amino acids, and the high oestrus used during the preservation process produces the NOCs and nitrosamine compounds even before we start digesting the meat or dairy.

Third, cooking preserved meats at high estrus increases the conversion of sodium nitrates and nitrites into more unsafe compounds. Bacon, typically fried, is of item concern here.

Nitrates, Nitrites, and Cancer

So what's the problem with nitrosamines? They are strong carcinogens that may produce cancer in diverse organs and tissues including the lungs, encephalon, liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, esophagus, and sinuses. One class, dimethylnitrosamine, causes liver tumors in rats. Of the other known nitrosamine compounds, 90% accept been found to be carcinogenic.​​

Information technology's partly due to the nitrosamine content of processed meats that the International Agency for Inquiry on Cancer (IARC) declared their consumption as "carcinogenic to humans." The IARC assessed processed meat as a "highly probable" contributor to stomach and colorectal cancers.

It's non just the body that gets messed upwardly by synthetic nitrates in processed food. An analysis of more than one,000 people with and without psychiatric disorders has shown that nitrates establish in beef jerky, salami, hot dogs, and other candy meat snacks may contribute to mania — a potentially unsafe mood country that may involve sleeplessness, along with hallucinations, psychosis, grandiose delusions, or paranoid rage.

How are Nitrates and Nitrites in Vegetables Different?

healthy food ingredients background vegetables fruit herbs top view

Ok, so if nitrates and nitrites are then dangerous in candy meats, should we try to limit their consumption beyond the board? What about in plant foods?

It turns out that certain plant foods, especially light-green leafy vegetables and root vegetables, are loaded with nitrates. In fact, plants provide virtually fourscore% of the nitrates in our diets. The plants get them directly from the soil, as function of the nitrogen cycle nosotros examined earlier.

Our contribution to this process is to chew these plant foods well. Bacteria in our saliva, along with the concrete mastication of food, convert the nitrates into nitrites. We swallow that saliva, which exposes our gut to high levels of nitrites that then turn into nitric oxide.

Nitrates from plant foods are not harmful, for a few reasons.

1. Constitute-Based Foods Contain Less Overall Poly peptide

First, at that place's significantly less protein in plant-based foods than beast foods, and so there's much less raw cloth out of which to make nitrosamines.

2. There's No Heme in Plant Foods

Second, even in the presence of protein, at that place's another chemical that's needed to grade some of the almost apropos nitrosamine compounds: heme. And heme, and the proteins that bind to it, are found exclusively in animal foods. Blood-red meat, in particular, contains heme proteins (which give it that reddish color). And inquiry shows that heme reacts with nitrates and nitrites in an acidic environment (and remember, your stomach is a churning vat of acid that would put any horror movie scene to shame) and forms nitrosamines in the lower intestine.

Establish foods are heme-free, with one recent exception: the Impossible Foods brand uses bioengineered (Exist) heme from hemoglobin in soy root nodules in their meat analogues. Their goal, which they reach, is to create plant-based meat that "bleeds," and that has the slightly encarmine gustation that many meat-eaters accept grown accustomed to. We don't yet know with certainty how the BE hemoglobin affects human wellness because information technology's and so new.

three. Found-Based Foods Contain Antioxidants

In add-on to plants being lower in protein and devoid of heme, they also comprise compounds that actively inhibit the formation of nitrosamines in the gut or rima oris. The big ones are the antioxidants, specially vitamins C and E. And neither occurs naturally in animal products.

A 2013 study of over 70,000 women found that the risk of colorectal cancer in those who ate a lot of red and processed meat increased only in those women who didn't eat sufficient vitamin C. In fact, the bottom fifth in terms of vitamin C intake was 245% more likely to develop colon or rectal cancer than the pinnacle fifth.

The link between vitamin C and reduced cancer risk from nitrates prompted legislators to require some meat producers, peculiarly the bacon industry, to add together sodium ascorbate or sodium erythorbate (both chemically similar to ascorbic acrid, or vitamin C) to prevent the germination of carcinogenic nitrosamines. Nice thought, but the science shows that it's probably backfired big fourth dimension. For reasons we don't sympathise, adding these vitamin C analogues to bacon just turbocharges nitrosamine production, by up to a whopping 140 times.

Uncured Meats with Plant-Based Nitrates Are Still Harmful

Some processed meat brands claim not to include nitrates. The punchline is, they exercise. In an example of bureaucratic insanity, salary that doesn't contain synthetic nitrates or nitrites must incorporate the "uncured" label. Only despite the "uncured" characterization, in reality they are cured — using a vegetable excerpt naturally loftier in nitrates (celery is the most common, only beets and other veggies are used too).

Recall, the problem with nitrates and nitrites in brute-based foods is the company they keep — animate being protein, heme fe, and loftier oestrus. Organic nitrates from celery human activity just like synthetic nitrites when added to bacon and sausage links.

Do Nitrates Offer Any Wellness Benefits?

close-up shot of a monitor with ekg data male athlete runs on a treadmill with gm

It's not just that plant-based nitrates and nitrites aren't bad for you; they're actually full of of import health benefits, thanks to the wonderful furnishings of nitric oxide (NO) on cardiovascular function. When y'all eat leafy greens or root vegetables — and chew well — the bacteria in your rima oris strip away one of the oxygen molecules from the nitrates, to make nitrites. Next, the nitrites metabolize into NO in your stomach and blood vessels.

Heart Health Benefits from Nitrates in Plants

Healthy arteries benefit from NO, which helps preclude atherosclerosis, loftier blood pressure, and erectile dysfunction in men. Establish foods loftier in nitrates, such as beets, also announced to assistance athletic performance by allowing the cardiovascular arrangement to work more than efficiently nether stress. In fact, one of the reasons vigorous do tin exist healthy might be the extra NO produced when you're slightly oxygen-deprived.

In brusk, the more leafy greens and root veggies yous swallow, combined with other lifestyle habits like not smoking and maintaining a healthy weight, the more NO y'all brand, and the less likely y'all are to endure from centre affliction.

Establish-Based Nitrates May Help with Crumbling and Memory

Nitrates in vegetables may as well help in the prevention and treatment of age-related cognitive decline. NO has been shown to increase blood flow to at-chance areas of the crumbling brain, particularly the frontal lobes. A pocket-sized 24-person written report published in 2019 gave high doses of nitrate-rich beetroot juice or a placebo (sad, only we won't be sharing the recipe for "placebo beetroot juice" below) to a group of younger and older people, measured their vitals (middle rate and blood pressure), and gave them a cognitive challenge called a Stroop test. (It's a fun test; you can take it yourself in 60 seconds.) Those who had just consumed real beetroot juice did significantly ameliorate on the test, suggesting that establish-based nitrites can help all ages retrieve better.

Another study found that a single serving a twenty-four hour period of leafy greens or other plant foods rich in antioxidants and nitrates may assistance to slow cognitive decline. Near 1,000 participants (ages 58-99) of the Retentiveness and Aging Project were followed for most five years. Researchers asked near their diets and gave them cognitive tests. The participants who consumed at to the lowest degree i daily serving of high-antioxidant and loftier-nitrate plant foods were found to exist a whopping 11 years younger, on average, from a cognitive perspective, than those who ate the fewest of these veggies.

Nitrates in Our H2o Supply

aerial photo of purification tanks of modern waste water treatment plant

Nitrates aren't but in veggies and candy meats; we can also get them from our water supply. And that isn't a skilful thing.

The combustion of fossil fuels over the past couple of centuries has dramatically increased the amount of nitrogen compounds in the temper. This can lead to smog and acid rain; that is, a transfer of active nitrogen compounds from the earth to the air and water. (Go hither if you lot want a kid-friendly discussion of the nitrogen cycle.)

Since humans figured out how to produce nitrogen compounds for explosives and fertilizer, we've been using them like they're going out of style (which wouldn't be a bad thing, if you ask me). Farmers and large agribusinesses routinely apply nitrogen-rich chemical fertilizers and manure from mill farms to crops that are grown on food-depleted soil. (Important sidenote: A large share of the corn, soy, and other fertilizer-intensive crops in Due north America go to livestock, not humans, so the meat industry'southward fingerprints are all over nitrate-related pollution.)

​​Unless farmers build specialized structures to contain the runoff, heavy rains can shuttle these materials into nearby streams, lakes, and groundwater. Some of the highest levels of nitrate are in shallow wells and surface water subject to runoff from nitrogen fertilizers and bars creature feedlot operations. The trouble isn't simply bad numbers on a water test; the excrement and contagion from agricultural runoff can make life all but unbearable for nearby residents.

Nitrates in Drinking Water

Nitrates in drinking water take been implicated in the development of methemoglobinemia, a mouthful and a half — known more colloquially as "blue baby syndrome." In this sometimes fatal status, the hemoglobin in claret is unable to carry oxygen throughout the trunk.

In full general, the nitrate contribution to our diets from drinking water is low. But in places where synthetic fertilizer use is widespread, water may be a significant source of nitrate exposure in humans. If you have admission to a test of your water quality, you lot can meet if the nitrate levels are in the adequate range. The nonprofit Water Quality Association recommends nitrate levels no college than x mg/liter, and nitrite levels at 1 mg/liter or lower.

Unfortunately, conventional drinking water treatment processes (similar those used by local treatment plants) do non remove nitrates from water. I'll share more on what yous can do almost this below.

It'due south not but humans who suffer when nitrogen compounds flood our waterways. Excess nitrogen from agriculture can also lead to toxic algal blooms in rivers and lakes. What happens is, the nitrogen acts as a fertilizer for algae that grow in the water. They proliferate, utilise up all the oxygen, and thereby suffocate all other aquatic life.

What You Can Do About Dietary Nitrates

While unwanted nitrates and nitrites in our food and water supplies are a global health and environmental issue, there are things you lot can do to reduce your personal exposure to the "bad kinds." First, avoid or limit foods already high in synthetic nitrates or nitrites or which convert to harmful nitrosamines in the absence of antioxidants.

Examples of nitrates in food to avoid include:

  • Bacon (for healthy alternatives click here)
  • Hot dogs (for healthy alternatives click here)
  • Sausages
  • Many brands of beefiness jerky
  • Processed deli meats
  • Beef, pork, lamb, and other meats
  • Some kinds of smoked fish and poultry (those cured with brines that contain sodium nitrite)
  • Whatsoever other cured or smoked brute products
  • Cow cheese (for healthy alternatives click here)
  • Beer (for more on the health impacts of alcohol click here)

Determine your drinking h2o exposure and, if indicated, use a water filtration organisation. If y'all live in the U.s.a. and don't have access to a exam, here's an EPA chart that gives you a sense of how contaminated your water is likely to exist, past state. If your nitrate levels are also high — or probable to exist likewise loftier — you may choose to install a abode water treatment system such as an ion substitution, distillation, or reverse osmosis system. If the nitrates are fine but the nitrites are high, you have an additional pick: a Berkey water filter can remove nitrites, but not nitrates.

Plant-Based & Beneficial Nitrates

Of grade, allow'due south not forget well-nigh the good guys! Even though nitrates in the wrong context tin can exist harmful, nitrates in found foods can be fabulous.

And eat foods high in beneficial nitrates that are too a rich source of antioxidants, such as:

  • Leafy greens
  • Herbs similar basil and cilantro
  • Beets
  • Rhubarb
  • Celery
  • Radishes
  • Green beans
  • Broccoli
  • Mushrooms
  • Strawberries

Recipes Using Good Dietary Nitrates

Bandy out dishes that aren't serving you, like meat-based soup, cheesy salads, or beef burgers, with Creamy Arugula and White Edible bean Soup, Crunchy Kale Slaw, and Beet Burgers. These dishes are not only satisfying and bursting with flavor, just the leafy greens, beets, and celery likewise provide healthy nitrates and other constitute-based nutrients — such every bit fiber, vitamin C, and folate — that can aid you thrive and experience your best. Heck, if you're going for the gold, enjoy all three as a meal, starting with the Creamy Arugula and White Edible bean Soup, followed by the Beet Burgers topped with Crunchy Kale Slaw. Yum!

1. Creamy Arugula and White Bean Soup

Become three nitrate-rich ingredients — cilantro, celery, and arugula — in just one soup! And that'southward non all — you're also getting enough of fiber, vitamin E, and healthy fats from the avocado and hemp seeds, more fiber plus protein from the beans, and vitamin C from the tomato. And that's just the brusque list of nutritional awesomeness!

2. Crunchy Kale Slaw

Nitrate-rich Crunchy Kale Slaw requires no cooking and but a little shredding (which may exist therapeutic for some!), making this a dish that gives dorsum oodles of nutrition in exchange for very piffling effort. The kale, cabbage, and carrots provide health-promoting nitrates, plus lots of other nutrients as well. Enjoy it solo, as a side dish, or on height of tacos and wraps.

3. Beet Burgers

Swap out carcinogenic meat nitrates with health-supportive institute nitrates in these oh-so-satiating veggie burgers. You lot're also adding potent phytonutrients from the beets, beans, and spices that human action equally antioxidants and fight carcinogens. And did we mention that these tasty patties are elementary to brand?

In Conclusion

In The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, the mariner brings about near-disaster past killing a helpful albatross. As penalization and in the hopes of appeasing the spirits that torment them, the sailors strength the mariner to wear the expressionless boundness most his neck. The expression "boundness around the cervix" has referred e'er since to a heavy burden of guilt that becomes an obstacle to success.

Our reliance on industrialized brute agriculture non merely harms the animals involved; it's also an boundness effectually our ain necks, leading to individual and public health harms and environmental crises. Nowhere is this clearer than the widespread problems caused by excess nitrogen compounds added to meat products, and now plant in our air, water, soil, and bodies.

But it'southward important to remember that not all nitrates and nitrites are bad, nor practice they act in similar ways in the body. Constitute-based nitrates and nitrites, especially those from whole leafy greens and root vegetables, and especially when combined with establish-based antioxidants, contribute to cardiovascular, sexual, and cerebral wellness. The problematic nitrates and nitrites are those added to animal products, and those from industrial — especially creature — agronomics that make their manner into our water supply and water ecosystems.

It may take a while for our society to stop killing the metaphorical albatrosses and find our style into a harmonious human relationship with our environment. But while nosotros strive together for that better earth, we can take individual steps to come into correct relationship with the natural world, for its sake and our own, through the nutrient on our plates.

Bottom Line: Should You Avert Nitrates or Nitrites?

The short reply is: Say yes to found-based nitrites and nitrates. Say no to synthetic and animal-based nitrites and nitrates. And have your water tested if you lot are concerned near NO2 or NO3 in your water.

Tell us in the comments:

  • What are your favorite leafy green and root vegetables?

  • Have y'all always had your h2o tested? What did yous learn?

  • What plant-based, nitrate-rich recipe will you try next?

Feature Image: Pospisil

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